
writing a gre essay

15 Tips to Help You Write a GRE Essay

GRE Analytical Writing Assessment consists of two parts, where you have to write an Issue essay and an Argument essay. Both of them test how well you can create a convincing thesis statement and defend it in several paragraphs. Issue topics require...

Are Essay Writing Services Ethical?

There are hundreds of writing services on the internet, and all of them promise to deliver the best papers at the best prices. You can pay for your paper and get a good grade, effortlessly, exactly when you need it. Such an opportunity sounds great...

ESL writer vs ENL writer

ESL vs. ENL Essay Writer: Which One To Choose?

Many customers of online writing services get disappointed with their experience for a simple reason: they don’t care who will write their papers. Many students are happy to delegate their essay writing tasks to professionals, but they don’t ask...

What Is a Claim in Essay Writing?

Every student has heard about claims in essay writing. Many people, however, often use the terms “claim” and “thesis statement” interchangeably. On the one hand, any thesis statement is a claim statement. On the other hand, the term “claim” can only...

Is Buying an Essay Online Safe?

More and more students turn to essay writing services to keep up with the overload of assignments and the need to juggle work and education. However, the main problem is finding a writing company one can really trust, as well as solving the...

college student studying at night

10 Reasons Why College Sucks

I always wanted to go to college because I was one of those determined students who start to think about their future and believe that college will be an important step in their growth. I wasn’t one of those who expect college to be the best four...

college student

Top 10 Reasons Why College Students Hate Writing Essays

If you hate writing essays, you're not alone. Essays are usually time-consuming, dull, and tiresome to write. That's why I used to ask my dorm neighbor to write them for me instead of spending nights trying to put some wise words on a page. Not all...