ESL writer vs ENL writer

ESL vs. ENL Essay Writer: Which One To Choose?

Many customers of online writing services get disappointed with their experience for a simple reason: they don’t care who will write their papers. Many students are happy to delegate their essay writing tasks to professionals, but they don’t ask about writers and their backgrounds. However, whether you will receive a mediocre or outstanding paper only depends on one person, and this is your writer.

The vast majority of writing companies, including many of the top-rated essay writing services, work with both ENL (English as a Native Language) and ESL (English as a Second Language) writers. Good writing services usually enable customers to choose the category of a writer, and it also influences the price of your order. Here are some things you should know about ESL and ENL writers.

What You Should Know About ESL and ENL Writers

First of all, not all services have ENL writers. Those companies that hire ENL writers usually talk about it in their marketing content all the time or even make ENL writers their main selling point. If a company doesn’t mention what writers it hires, the chances are that it has ESL writers only. Why do some companies keep their writers in secret? Well, they want to maximize their profits.

On the one hand, some companies sell low-quality papers but they want students to still pay for their orders. On the other hand, many companies work with experienced, professional ESL writers who provide good papers, but mentioning ESL writers may repel customers who are looking for good papers. ENL writers are usually more expensive, but some companies may not offer low prices even if they have ESL writers. If you can choose a category of a writer, you should keep in mind that choosing an ENL writer will increase the price of your order by 30% to 50%.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that, unfortunately, choosing an ENL writer doesn’t mean that you will necessarily get a great paper. Of course, most ENL writers are better at grammar than ESL writers, but not all of them are great at their academic areas. Just like anyone else, ENL writers may lack creativity sometimes. Besides, an experienced ESL writer may deliver a better paper than an inexperienced ENL writer.

Reliable writing services usually offer both ENL and ESL writers. Looking for writers on essay writing websites is usually a better solution because services with a good reputation hire writers who have passed various tests and submitted well-written samples. However, you can also look for essay writers on freelance platforms. In this case, you should be especially careful because there are no customer support teams and refund policies.

Another place where you can find both ESL and ENL writers is Reddit. Reddit is a huge platform. Many writing services have their subreddits, and you can also find freelance writers in subreddits dedicated to custom writing. However, looking for writers on Reddit is also a somewhat tricky task because anyone can pose as an ENL writer. Therefore, we recommend that you check everyone’s online reputation (upvotes, reviews, etc.) carefully.

Where Do ESL Writers Come From?

Well, it would be much easier to tell where ENL writers come from. ENL writers are from the U.S., the U.K., Canada, and Australia. Therefore, ESL writers are from the rest of the world. However, most often, ESL writers come from India, Kenya, Pakistan, and the Philippines. There are many talented writers in Kenya.

Even though many customers from the U.S. might think that working with Kenyan writers is a bad idea, the truth is that Kenyan writers often have all the necessary skills and experience to deliver good papers. Kenya has a bad economical situation so these writers offer much lower prices than their American colleagues, and they are willing to work hard to make sure that their customers are satisfied.

Advantages of ESL Writers

ESL writers can offer some benefits. First of all, they charge less. Sometimes, you can buy decent papers written by ESL writers for half the price you would pay when dealing with native writers. Low prices are probably the main reason why people choose ESL writers for their academic papers, but this is not the only reason why choosing an ESL writer can be a good solution.

ESL writers are compassionate, and they won’t complain if you request a revision. The thing is that the majority of writers in the custom-writing niche are ESL writers so the competition is tough. Therefore, ESL writers are willing to work hard to earn a good reputation. To withstand the tough competition, ESL writers also constantly improve their skills. Good ESL writers put a lot of effort into research to make sure that their customers will be completely satisfied with the papers.

You may choose an ESL writer if you’re a foreign student. Foreign students may not need native-level skills for their writing assignments. Besides, ESL students can find writers who speak their native language to ensure effective communication.

Advantages of ENL Writers

Obviously, ENL writers offer some unique benefits compared to ESL writers. First of all, ENL writers can offer you better grammar. When dealing with ESL writers, you may need to request revisions to fix spelling and punctuation mistakes, while this is rarely the case with ENL writers. Therefore, you can get your paper sooner. If you don’t have time for editing and polishing your papers, hiring an ENL writer is a great solution.

Generally, ENL writers demonstrate better performance, and the quality of their papers is usually higher than that of the papers written by ESL writers. Not only do ENL writers write papers faster, but they may also need less time for research. Besides, if you’re looking for creative writing or impressive wording, hiring an ENL writer is definitely the best solution.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to choosing between ENL and ESL writers, the truth is that both options can be good. Not all ESL writers are unprofessional. Quite the opposite, the strong competition among ESL writers pushes them to grow professionally and to put more effort into their work. However, if you’re looking for perfect language skills and don’t want to waste your time on editing and revisions, choosing an ENL writer is a better decision. At the same time, you should keep in mind that ENL writers are usually much more expensive to hire.

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